Saturday, January 30, 2010

Bali by Private Car

Saturday, 30 January 2010, Bali, Indonesia

There was no need in Bali to give the warning I uttered yesterday, "Don't step in the dragon poop". (This is a warning not often uttered except in Komodo by and large.) Actually there wasn't much to worry about here. As it was during my first visit--to embark for the first time on Song of Flower, an event that changed by life in many ways including starting me on the now 2 years of traveling by cruise ship to over 100 new countries--Bali is, 1) beautiful, 2) unique in language, religion, culture, and attitude, and 3) full of photographic and retail opportunities. The sail in at 7 this morning was fantastic. The port city of Benoa had seemed to grow around the new harbor and was actually quite lovely. I watched a local fisherman trying to catch the pilot boat since the attendants thereon were busy taking pictures of themselves for some reason. We had coffee to the sight of the 3142 meter high (8 feet MSL in English measure) volcanic Mount Agung, the caldera of which I visited in 1997 during a repeat visit on my first Silversea cruise--360 days of cruising on Silversea Cruise Line starting on their first on then only ship Silver Cloud--and then met our private car driver for a "4 to 5" hour self directed excursion in the SE corner of the island. By the way, our driver was, 1) excellent, and 2) enjoyed using his 5 words of English (three of which was definitely not, "I don't know".)

We really did have a super time seeing the child labor and shrines or statues at every corner and in every business establishment including a most approving one go by on the very busy roads, even for a Saturday. Bali's towns are each dedicated to a different art such as wood carving, silver and gold working, stone statuary, batik, etc. It is a joyful place to visit despite the quite extreme heat and humidity and oppressive traffic (or is it extreme traffic and oppressive heat). The taciturn but most competent driver returned us to the ship in time for a late lunch, collecting the total of $45 plus tip for the morning's adventure for two and presented us with a hand made picture frame extolling the name of his tour company for future reference.

Tonight we will enjoy a pool barbecue accompanied by a local dance troupe which entertained us as we departed this morning. The large bird figure had a propeller on his or her hat.

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