Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Timor Sea and a Free Cruise

Thursday, 28 January 2010, Timor Sea

We spent the day yesterday reading and as we sailed westbound out of the clutches of Cyclone Olga. Barbara attempted to do walking laps in the 35 knot wind which was added to when walking forward to the ship's breakneck 14.7 knots. Barbara earlier had gone to the stuffy professor's talk on WW II and worked on her blog, .

Last night was marked by two major events. The captain called me up to the stage of the showroom and presented me with a certificate for a free seven day cruise ("excluding port taxes and airfare and extra charges such as but not limited to excursions and gratuities for tour guides"). Everyone applauded and some of the reserved Brits actually nodded at me in the hallways. We were invited to the Hotel Director's table for dinner. Business wasn't discussed other than his taking a preemptive strike regarding the missed Thursday Island stop by mentioning that NOT STOPPING cost the ship $23,000 in port charges and cancellation fees to the tour operator on the island. We also explained that he was upset that we couldn't reprovision fresh fruit and I think he said swizzle sticks. Maybe I misunderstood because of the wonderful wine and osso bucco. Had I not been distracted by the food and service, It is possible he also mentioned not being able to take on fresh water since I brushed my teeth this morning in what appeared to be Chardonnay from the tap. The desalinization plant onboard does the best it can, but fresh water is always better I've been told. Maybe not when we're in some countries, like Indonesia. Oh well.

The other major event yesterday was that our half filled laundry bag was gone when we got back to the suite. Apparently the butler had pounced on the potential of taking down the laundry a full 12 hours early despite the partially filled out inventory slip and our hiding the bag partially under the bed. There have been reports of the overly ambitious butlers cleaning people's eyeglasses in their sleep and one guest who insists that they woke up with their teeth whitened.

We arrive early tomorrow morning at Komodo to begin our 5 days in Indonesia.

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