Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Lost at Sea 2

Thursday, 21 January 2010, S22 59 E151 56 off the coast of Queensland Australia 16.8 knots heading NW

Had breakfast in the Dining Room, an elegant affair of freshly made corned beef hash and eggs with fruit and a curious looking and tasting (but good)  bagel the size of a plate. Read this morning while Barbara went to a lecture by the Executive Chef on the preparation of things a lactose intolerant person like me can't eat. Um? We weren't hungry for lunch but there were papadoms at the pool grill, then maybe a look at the salads in the Terrace Cafe, but they had baby lamb chops as well as short ribs. Oh well, maybe tomorrow we'll cut back. So, I'm full (so to speak) and in an expansive mood and felt it was time for some updates.

1. Barbara has posted her alternative view of the universe with her first blog entries at:


From time to time, check for updates from time to time on hers and on my (more grumpy version of the cruise) at:

2. This morning's letter to my cruise travel agent:

Hi Jim,

About to go to breakfast. Sea day today--so more time to catch up on correspondence.

I think the butler scheme can work out, but Silversea needs to understand that no matter how well trained that there are cultural differences or just habit with some of the new butlers that makes it more difficult with their issues with saying "no" or being able to say anything that disappoints the guests even when the promises can't be delivered due to policies or practicalities. So they just promise and promise without anything happening. Also, "insisting" on polishing shoes or bringing tea constantly goes against the traditional image of a butler being invisible until needed and discrete. This is especially true when he notices something in the room and starts commenting on how he can improve it or do  something. It comes off as spying or being nosy. Forward the above observations to HQ and that I would be happy to talk with them when I get back as well.

Actually Silver Whisper is super. The lack of training of many of the lowest level crew members is evident to me but really not a problem. One early coffee service attendant doesn't know when to offer refills of coffee or how to set up the danish service, but the guests are doing what's needed themselves, and he responds to requests immediately and well. So it isn't really a problem, but it's clear nobody has YET told him what to do or how to do it. Clearly, SS has raided Whisper to staff the Spirit launch. I actually heard one of the bar waitresses tell that in so many words to another guest. But the food is excellent, the wait staff is quite good, and lots of the long time management is onboard, such as Dinato and Norbert (Head Waiters), Bartender Oliver, and a pretty good Maitre d' Hedi. Hedi has instituted a grill dinner service on deck every evening. This has taken the congestion out of the dining room and Terrace since the outdoor deck service can accommodate 30 to 40 people each night and provides a "steak restaurant" alternative dining room, in essence. They also do a continental b'fast all morning at the pool and hold the pool bar open much later. I am thrilled to see these and some other innovations which I will share with you when I see them and/or discuss them in detail when we get back home. The dance troupe is back, but they still have guest entertainers--like the old days. So, this is indeed the "good" Silversea of the old days. It's just shame they haven't thought through the behind the scenes cost savings--like the butlers--and didn't try to shake it out while they are launching Spirit. Oh well. It's still another day in paradise.

More later, and thanks again for all.


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