Thursday, January 28, 2010

Here Be Lizards

Friday, 29 January 2010, Komodo Island, Indonesia

I could hear the call of "15 minutes can save you 15%" as we sailed into a beautiful sunrise approaching Komodo Island. So I knew that here be lizards. After my traditional Indonesian breakfast (also used in many middle east countries as well as Malaysia--figure it out), we ventured on a heavily guarded guided tour into the interior of the island. After a walk of 1 1/4 kilometers (70 miles or 6 furlongs in English measure) we came to a "geico" of Komodo Dragons (I believe that's the term). The intrepid guides waved their pointed sticks at these prehistoric hundred of pound beasts that kill by waiting for the toxic bacteria from an introductory bite to poison their prey. A good time was had by all and we came back to the ship to enjoy grapefruit juice and listen to the hardy adventurers onboard say, "It's so hot."

We sail at 2 pm for Bali where I've arranged for 5 hours of a private car with driver and guide for $45. I will see how much they charge for bringing us back to the ship after the private tour tomorrow.

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